Sunday, November 20, 2011


I know that most people will be headed back into the work week tomorrow.  I work in a hospital, though, and we are open all the time, of course.  So, after a weekend of shifts, I am so very thankful that today is my Friday!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So Many Blessings

For those who don't know, Thomas and I are currently preparing for the sacrament of matrimony.  Yes, we are already married, but in a civil ceremony (albeit a very large one).  We married when we were 19, and planned to have a Catholic Wedding.  However, due to circumstances at the time, we ended up going with plan B, which was a beautiful wedding with so many family members and friends present to celebrate with us, and a good friend who happens to be a judge officiating.  That night was a dream come true!  Now, almost 10 years into our marriage, we find ourselves desiring very much to get back on track with plan A, which is inviting God into our marriage and raising a Catholic family.  We have come to realize lately that we really do need to let God into our marriage more, and the best way for us to do that is to bring our marriage into the Church. 
And that is why we are proud to say we completed Pre-Cana today!  We can now really start making arrangements to celebrate the sacrament.  This could not have happened without the efforts of many people, and that leads me into todays gratitude:
We are so thankful for my Mom, who watched the kids while we attended Pre-Cana.  We're talking a really long day with the kids, and until today, Mom swore that Charis didn't even like her.  Well, today was relationship bootcamp for Charis and her Grandma, and I think they made it through!  Charis was smiling at Mom like crazy tonight, and Davin was having such a blast he didn't want to leave!
Speaking of relationship boot camp, we are also very thankful for all the couples who teach Pre-Cana in our parish.  Without them, we would have to go to Tucson for the class, and pay a lot more money.  They also do an amazing job of sharing the intimate details of their own marriages in order to help us enrich ours.
Finally, I am thankful for the time spent with Thomas.  I realize we didn't do this the traditional way.  Most people who attend Pre-Cana are not already married, but I felt that today's discussions of communication, family, intimacy, and finance were such a refresher for our marriage.  It was almost like we got to go on a date!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

We are so thankful to all the men and women who have served and are currently serving our country.  The United States of America is the land of the free because of the brave!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For the Hubby

Today I am thankful for my husband, Thomas, who is my rock and my best friend. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Babies

Today I am so thankful for my kiddos, who behaved as well as (if not better than) two littles can be expected to behave over a long weekend of traveling and being out of their comfort zone.  Sometimes we see one tantrum and we get impatient with them, but we fail to see the whole picture, the one where they have gone along with the flow of the day with very little complaint or issue, even when their play time and even sleep time has been limited.
So thank you to my babies for traveling so well this weekend!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All Souls Day

Today we remember and are thankful for the souls who are no longer with us, but have touched our lives in amazing ways.  May God grant them eternal peace with him in Heaven.